Τετάρτη 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

blogovision '15 ~ δεκαεννιά

Laura Marling - Short Movie | Ribbon Music 

"My aunt gave me a Rilke book when I was trying to learn German and I thought it was the best thing I'd ever read in my life. He was a proper weirdo, as well. His mum dressed him as a girl until he was five, so he has this really strange understanding of femininity and he loves women in a really maternal, but also very dark way. The way Rilke was relevant to my experience in America was that he was the translator of the observance of the natural, giving it context to the human. And he was the perfect translation of the spiritual; he wasn't religious, but he wanted a dark god to love him. I think that's because of his mother."

20. Grimes - Art Angels

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